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Richard Solomon Commercial Lawyers are specialist Wills and Estate Lawyers in Adelaide that can assist you with your Estate Planning, whether it’s a Will, a Power of Attorney or an Advanced Care Directive.

Planning what will happen to your assets or if you need someone to act on your behalf if you are away or incapacitated should be thought through and defined.

Wills and Estate Lawyers

Making a Will

(Simple Wills from $400)

Every person over the age of 18 years should have a legal Will to ensure that your wishes on where and to who your assets should go are clear.

If you don’t have a Will you have NO choice in who will receive your estate …

We work with you to gather all of the relevant information including …

  • Your assets (including funds, investments, superannuation, insurance policies)
  • Your family situation (including children & marital circumstances)
  • Who you would like your assets to go to and when
  • Who you would like to administer your Will

Then we prepare your Will ensuring that your wishes are clear and all of the legal requirements have been considered and complied with.

Wills can be very simple or more complicated depending on your circumstances.

A Will may be one of the most important documents you will ever sign. Let us get it right for you.

Granting a Power of Attorney

There are times when you may need someone else to act on your behalf in relation to your financial and legal matters …

  • You may be away on holiday and an urgent decision needs to be made
  • You may be hospitalised and you are unable get out or communicate your wishes
  • You may have quite specific areas that you are happy for someone to act on your behalf

This is where you can appoint a trusted person(s) to act on your behalf (be your Attorney), to look after your legal and financial affairs and ensure they are handled in your best interests.

An Enduring Power of Attorney is a document that is designed to give a person(s) power to act for you if you lose your mental capacity. As with the Power of Attorney they can only take actions that are in your best interest in relation to both legal and financial matters.

We will talk with you and find out the best position for you. Then the appropriate Power of Attorney documents are drawn up ready for all parties to sign.

Wills & Estate Lawyers
Wills & Estate Lawyers

Probate & Contested Estates

The passing of a loved one is a time to grieve. It is a sad and stressful time and the added responsibility of being Executor and having to deal with the estate can be very difficult.

Working through the Probate Laws can put you under a load of extra pressure.

There are many things to do …

  • Obtaining a Grant of Probate
  • The administration and distribution of the estate
  • Obtaining Letters of Administration if a family member or a de facto spouse has died without leaving a Will
  • An inheritance claim if a family member feels they have not been adequately provided for in the Will

We can guide you or handle everything for you.

Let our experienced and caring team take you through, step by step.

Succession & Estate Planning

Everybody needs an estate plan!

Having a proper estate plan means you can be sure your assets will be managed and distributed according to your wishes.

An estate plan is particularly important for …

  • Families with complex requirements such as providing for a second spouse or loved ones with special needs
  • Families where there has been a history of, or the potential for – family disputes

We work with you to determine an Estate Plan that is right for you.

Wills & Estate Lawyers
Wills and Estate Lawyers

Preparing Advanced Care Directive

We all would like to have a say on how we are to be treated if we become mentally incapacitated or terminally ill.

This is your opportunity to decide how you would like to be treated when your life is near its end.

  • Where would I like be housed (a nursing home, stay at home)?
  • Do I want to have “life support” turned off if there is no hope of recovery?
  • Who in my family is best to ensure my wishes occur?

The Advanced Care Directive documents your wishes and appoints a person(s) to ensure that the wishes are implemented.

No stress or arguments for your family at a difficult time.

Call us now for your obligation free discussion about your Estate needs

08 8232 3300